This folder contains a modem setup for the external USR Sportster modem for use with Version 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) modem enabler. It should work with both the PC version and the Mac & Fax version of the modem. I believe that it will work with the USR Courier modems also but I have no confirmation of that as of yet. If you get it to work with the Courier or the PCMCIA versions of the modem I would appreciate some email so that I can update the documentation. Install the modem enabler (found at the usual sites somewhere near where you found this file) using the provided instructions. After the modem enabler is installed you can install various modem setups. This file contains a setup for the USR Sportster modem and will add a line to the "Connect with" and "Remove Modem Setup" items in the modem preferences. Once the setup is installed go to the Modem preference and select the USRSportster item from the "Connect with" pop-up. That's it, now faxing and newton email will use your external USR Sportster modem. If you re-install the same package, the second time you'll get a confirmation dialog asking if you are sure you want to install over the other setup. Click OK to install. This modem setup is freeware and may be freely distributed everywhere without restriction. I do ask that this README file remain with the package. Technical details: The faxing and Newton email use one of the entries in the modem profile labeled internally as "configStrNoEC". This stands for no error control. This is not an accurate label. The setup does do error correction, if this isn't desired then you should get the Modem Mod package documented below. If it is a big deal I'll do what Apple did with the Hayes setup, one for error control and one without. The current incarnation of the Newton doesn't seem to use the other configuration strings with the built-in software. I don't know if third-party software does or not. With this modem setup package the "configStrNoEC", "configStrECOnly", and "configStrECAndFallback" all use the same configuration: "AT&FE0F1X4&A0&B1&H1&R2&K1&N0&M4S12=12&C1" If you must know what this does, look it up in your modem manual. It is probably possible to simplify this string but considering I don't own the modem in question I'm hesitant to change it. If someone wants to play around and send me a simpler string I'll use it in later version. Send comments, suggestions, criticisms, bugs, etc to If you need a different modem enabler let me know and I'll consider building it for you. Modem Mod package There is a shareware program that will allow you to view and modify installed modem setups. The package is called Modem Mod, for further info contact: David M. Pompea DMP Systems 62 Brittany Circle Rochester, NY 14618 email: AOL: DPOMPEA CIS: 74736,172 --------------------------------------------------------- Jim Bailey Software Consulting for Mobile Computing Internet: NewtonMail: jdb (