
This is the Read Me file for GIFMaker written by its author,Brian Ogilvie.

GIFMakerGIFMakeris a Newton extension that allows you to create GIF images of all orpart of the Newton screen. By using GIFServe you can make yourNewton-based web page unique! Once you are serving GIFs from yourNewton, you can save the GIFs in your desktop browser using the usualSave Image command.

With GIFMaker, you can set the foreground and background colors bytapping on the GIFMaker icon in the Extensions folder of the ExtrasDrawer. A set of sliders for Red, Green, and Blue for each offoreground and background are provided. The default is black imageson a white background.

To use GIFServer with Newton Personal DataSharing, just access:


The GIF format is owned by Compuserve while the LZW compressionused in GIFs is patented by Unisys Corp. Toad Hollow Software Co.acknowledges the great generosity of these firms in making the GIFformat and the LZW compression available royalty free for freewareprograms such as GIFMaker.

If you are a Newton programmer and are interested in writingprograms that use GIFMaker, please contact Toad Hollow at the addressbelow. All programs using GIFMaker must be freeware.

Toad Hollow's other Newton applications are also available on ourweb page including the Holidays series, Jewish Holidays (1996-2001),TMap (a map of the Boston Subway), Freedom Trail (a guide to Boston'shistoric walking trail), and The Elements of Style, a re-publishingof the 1918 edition of William Strunk's little black book of grammar,with full hypertext links!

Brian K. Ogilvie
Toad Hollow Software Co.